December 30, 2009
Still Alive
December 17, 2009
(mostly the kiddo)

Glistening with drool in the morning light. I love that little smile he gives sometimes.

How can one kid be so adorable?? I see this view a lot. I love the way his hand looks holding onto the TV stand.

Christmas Activity Days
It was a huge success, because who doesn't love going to leader's houses? One of the girls apparently lives across the street from me, much to our surprise, and she mentioned it..........I believe 85 times. Another little girl went into the bathroom to wash her hands and exclaimed, "OHH! It's so cute! It's like a little shower station!" Not really sure what that means, but it did crack me up. Another girl said, "Nice place you have here." Ah, to be so grown up.
I gave them all a paper ornament and a Christmas card before they left. They were soooo excited. I have to admit I had fun, too, and we're planning a Valentine's Day party here. Any ideas?
December 11, 2009
Go, Go, Go!

Andrew is a crawling maniac now. He also has learned how to sit up, and how to pull himself up. This results in lots of climbing, falling, hitting his face on stuff, etc. I've taken to putting him in his playpen when I can't watch him, which he hates. That kid loves to move. Sometimes if I'm cooking or something, I'll leave him for brief spurts of time. And I'm not kidding when I say - Sometimes I can't find him.
December 10, 2009
Food Fit For Heaven
December 9, 2009
O Christmas Tree
Did I mention it was cold? Look at that glowing angel that made it into our cart. Oh, wait. That's Andrew.

And speaking of cute, here's a random picture of me in the truck. Kind of looks like Mike is using me as a marinette.

The whole crew
*Don't you hate when you lean in a photo because you aren't sure if you're blocking something or someone only to discover that you would have been fine AND not looked like an idiot if you had just stood normally?
December 7, 2009
Well, Santy...
December 3, 2009
Santa Baby
Bass Pro Shops has free pictures with Santa so we went on Tuesday. The Santa was really nice and it was decorated really nice. I'm glad we went. So was Andrew. Can't you tell? He basically made that face the whole time.
December 1, 2009
6 months......
Well, I can hardly believe it, but tomorrow my little guy will be 6 months. I remember playing dolls with Jeanette and my baby was always 6 months because that was the age where they started doing stuff. (Little did I know how much fun they were before then, too.) He certainly has been on the go....
Here's my little hiker all ready for church. He looked so stinking adorable, although this is the closest to a smile I got. He would smile like crazy until I hit the button. Michael said he looked like an environmental activist.
Playing with a musical keyboard thingie at the Jacobs family Thanksgiving. He LOVED that thing and played with it almost the whole time we were there. As you can see, he can stand up when supported. And actually, he pulled himself up to that position. I can almost hear him saying - "I've been waiting a long time to come to earth, and I'm not going to waste a single second. Ready, Set, Go!!!"
November 27, 2009
Awesome video! :)
Click here.
Google Maps=Amazing
November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving is a great time to think of the blessings we take for granted. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for:
1. Clean, pure water to drink.
2. A wonderful family with loving parents, sisters who I can call my best friends, brothers who I couldn't live without, the great people who have made it into that family by marriage, hilarious neice and nephews.
3. My in-laws, who I love more than I can say.
4. Great friends who make life fun.
5. A warm, happy home.
6. A knowledge of the truth about God and his Son, Jesus Christ.
7. The ability to stay home and raise my son.
8. A wonderful husband who still makes me heart smile.
9. A beautiful, healthy, strong baby boy who astonishes us daily and is ready to conquer the world.
10. My life. I can't begin to thank Heavenly Father for all the blessings I have or list them all.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 23, 2009
Post #2 - Also catch-up
Catch-up -- Andrew and Friends
We've had so much going on lately, and I haven't been able to blog about it. :) This is Andrew trick or treating at my Mom's house. Surprise, surprise he chose the banana split flavored lollipop. :)

Andrew with his honorary aunt and uncle, Quentin and Natalie. Remember them? They pop up kind of frequently here on the ol' blog. :)

This picture is ridiculously cute of the two of them.
Here's me and Andrew with Ava and my beautiful friend Veronica!
November 21, 2009
Picture Time, Picture Time.
November 19, 2009
Goodbye 20's. Helllooooo 30's. Yup, tomorrow is my husband's birthday. I doubt he'll see this on his special day as he'll be busy finishing up his huge memo that's due tomorrow for school, but in any case - Happy Birthday, Mike. I sure love you. Because:
1. You're my best friend.
2. You are hilarious.
3. You are genuinely interested in people.
4. You work so hard in school.
5. You are a wonderful, caring husband.
6. You are a fun, nice daddy.
7. You are a good friend and support to all of your family members.
8. You are quite humorous in your sleep. (I'll leave that to another post, web on-lookers.)
9. You are so handsome.
10. You support me in all I do.
11. You brought me Runts at work, thereby saving the lives of my co-workers that may have otherwise perished in a pregnancy-induced rage.
12. You're my favorite handy-man.
13. You are custom-fit for me.
14. You help me strive to do what's right.
15. You make me want to be my best self.
16. You are interesting to talk to.
17. You're smart.
18. You are kind.
19. You help people, even when no one is looking.
20. You watch chick-flicks with me. (And you even like them! Shhh...I won't tell anyone you like Jane Austen movies.)
21. You give good compliments. :)
22. You never yell.
23. You always have great gospel insight.
24. You're strong.
25. You make being married fun.
26. You think of fun things for us to do together (lay under the arch and look at the clouds, giving me a scavenger hunt on my birthday, Birthday Buddies, etc etc etc.)
27. You love me - truly.
28. You are always learning.
29. You love to read.
And lastly:
30. Because you're you. And you are perfect like that.
Happy Birthday, my nice Michael.