Does anyone really know the words to that song? Well, last night we and the Bells braved the cold and went to get our Christmas tree! YAY! Here's the lucky little deformed fella.
Did I mention it was cold? Look at that glowing angel that made it into our cart. Oh, wait. That's Andrew.
Double layers of everything and socks on his hands. Looking cute, even in a Home Depot cart.

And speaking of cute, here's a random picture of me in the truck. Kind of looks like Mike is using me as a marinette.

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without me making Mike re-enact Mr. Krueger's Christmas. Thaaaat's right...put those mittens on the tree. And NO SMILING. *Like the Astrosnik spaceship for the tree topper?*
We even have an ornament that looks just like Andrew.
Oh wait. That's right. He didn't know what was going on.
His main goal for the evening was to eat the lights.
The whole crew
*Don't you hate when you lean in a photo because you aren't sure if you're blocking something or someone only to discover that you would have been fine AND not looked like an idiot if you had just stood normally?
I would definitely say that in most photos, I look like an idiot.
Vance was only 6 weeks old his first Christmas, so REALLY not aware of what was going on. I think Christmas gets more and more fun the older my kids get ;)
I pretty much run away from all cameras because I never like how I look in pictures. I don't think it's low self esteem or anything.
How cute could one kid be? Seriously him in the cart....adorable and where did you get those cute stripey socks? They are totally awesome.
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