November 27, 2009
Awesome video! :)
Click here.
Google Maps=Amazing
November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving is a great time to think of the blessings we take for granted. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for:
1. Clean, pure water to drink.
2. A wonderful family with loving parents, sisters who I can call my best friends, brothers who I couldn't live without, the great people who have made it into that family by marriage, hilarious neice and nephews.
3. My in-laws, who I love more than I can say.
4. Great friends who make life fun.
5. A warm, happy home.
6. A knowledge of the truth about God and his Son, Jesus Christ.
7. The ability to stay home and raise my son.
8. A wonderful husband who still makes me heart smile.
9. A beautiful, healthy, strong baby boy who astonishes us daily and is ready to conquer the world.
10. My life. I can't begin to thank Heavenly Father for all the blessings I have or list them all.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 23, 2009
Post #2 - Also catch-up
Catch-up -- Andrew and Friends
We've had so much going on lately, and I haven't been able to blog about it. :) This is Andrew trick or treating at my Mom's house. Surprise, surprise he chose the banana split flavored lollipop. :)

Andrew with his honorary aunt and uncle, Quentin and Natalie. Remember them? They pop up kind of frequently here on the ol' blog. :)

This picture is ridiculously cute of the two of them.
Here's me and Andrew with Ava and my beautiful friend Veronica!
November 21, 2009
Picture Time, Picture Time.
November 19, 2009
Goodbye 20's. Helllooooo 30's. Yup, tomorrow is my husband's birthday. I doubt he'll see this on his special day as he'll be busy finishing up his huge memo that's due tomorrow for school, but in any case - Happy Birthday, Mike. I sure love you. Because:
1. You're my best friend.
2. You are hilarious.
3. You are genuinely interested in people.
4. You work so hard in school.
5. You are a wonderful, caring husband.
6. You are a fun, nice daddy.
7. You are a good friend and support to all of your family members.
8. You are quite humorous in your sleep. (I'll leave that to another post, web on-lookers.)
9. You are so handsome.
10. You support me in all I do.
11. You brought me Runts at work, thereby saving the lives of my co-workers that may have otherwise perished in a pregnancy-induced rage.
12. You're my favorite handy-man.
13. You are custom-fit for me.
14. You help me strive to do what's right.
15. You make me want to be my best self.
16. You are interesting to talk to.
17. You're smart.
18. You are kind.
19. You help people, even when no one is looking.
20. You watch chick-flicks with me. (And you even like them! Shhh...I won't tell anyone you like Jane Austen movies.)
21. You give good compliments. :)
22. You never yell.
23. You always have great gospel insight.
24. You're strong.
25. You make being married fun.
26. You think of fun things for us to do together (lay under the arch and look at the clouds, giving me a scavenger hunt on my birthday, Birthday Buddies, etc etc etc.)
27. You love me - truly.
28. You are always learning.
29. You love to read.
And lastly:
30. Because you're you. And you are perfect like that.
Happy Birthday, my nice Michael.
Funny Girls
Somehow they started talking about MAP testing. One of the girls said that in California it was CAP testing. So they then starting talking about all the other states - Virginia would be VAP testing, Hawaii would be HAP testing, etc. They were all laughing pretty hard at this. Then one of them said, "In Pennsylvania, it would be PAP testing!" I really don't think that any of them know what that means, but it set me laughing along with them, so they continued onward while I tried to stop laughing amid cries of "Yeah, PAP tests! Those kids all have to take PAP tests!" They then started doing it with other states (my personal favorite was Texas - they thought tap tests would be funny - part of it would be tap dancing). It was pretty hilarious.
We had a really good time, and while looking at their turkeys, I noticed that one of them had put, "My Activity Day Teacher's Humor."
Yeah. It went well. :)
November 16, 2009
Toy Story 3
Click HERE.
November 15, 2009
Adventures in Babysitting
November 14, 2009
November 11, 2009
Baby News and Karen's Got a New Mindset
Which brings me to my new mindset. My house is little by little getting cleaner and more organized. I prayed for help, and came up with FlyLady. I have yet to follow her advice on anything. Whoops. But (BUT! Yes, it gets better.) I have followed a bit of her mentality. Ready for it?.............
Rome wasn't built in a day. Why in the world do I think I can change all my bad habits and bad mindsets in a day? And because I'm not beating myself up constantly (and with the help of a little guy who is just starting to figure out that he can play on his own) (and with a little help from my favorite of husbands for his help in throwing things away and putting up shelves so we can put up our food storage, etc.) I feel in control. I tell myself that I can only do a little at a time. And that's what I do. I now find myself looking around the room before I leave to find something I can take to the room I'm going into to put away.
For some of you (maybe most of you) this may not seem like a big thing. But for me, it's been an amazing week. I made cupcakes in celebration. Luckily, the missionaries and the Bells are coming over to help us eat them.
And is it just me or is Rainbow Chip icing the best icing on the planet?
November 10, 2009
November 9, 2009
Today my house still looks messy. And that box is still in the upstairs bathroom with 5 things in it or so....and it's been there since we moved in. Ahem.
But today I...
1. Had breakfast buddies with Michael and Andrew. Toaster Streudels. So good.
2. Made taco soup for dinner and had it done by noon. (Really easy, really delicious. Brown hamburger with onions. Add corn, kidney beans, pinto beans, green chilis, taco seasoning packet, ranch dressing packet, diced tomatoes, meat and onions. There were lots of recipes online, but I just kind of added what looked right. Serve it with cheese, sour cream, and tortilla chips for dipping. SOOO good.)
3. Did 3 loads of laundry and folded them. The trouble now is to put them away.
4. Straightened up the living room and baby's room
5. Exercised
6. Changed 11 diapers. I think. I stopped counting.
7. Gathered up the trash throughout the house
8. Watched an episode of Monk online (love that show)
9. Made an appointment with the Parents as Teachers program
10. Stopped all that to play with Andrew. Because I realize that he will not always be this little. He will grow up and eventually not want to cuddle with me anymore. Everything I do will no longer be hilarious, and as much as I am excited to meet Andrew as he grows into his own little person day by day, I think I will always miss my sweet little Jellybean and his goofy toothless grin.
The day wasn't perfect, but for now it was absolutely where I needed to be.
November 8, 2009
Someday I will be able to look back and see a truly productive day.
Someday I will keep my house in such a state that I wouldn't be embarrassed if someone were to just drop in.
Someday I will remember to both read my scriptures AND say my prayers properly- on the same day.
Someday I will do all of this because today, today I am taking baby steps to change my habits and become more of the person I want to be.
I don't expect to be perfect, but gosh darn it - I'm ready to start improving my life by small and simple steps. I'm worth it. I just gotta remember that.
November 4, 2009
Weekend Happenings
I went to my parents' house this weekend with Andrew for a Halloween visit. Jeanette and Jason came, too, and it was a lot of fun! We played games (including Harry Potter trivia - we played by candlelight. Yes, we're dorks, but it was so fun!), watched movies, and basically just spent time together. My in-laws were sick, so we didn't get to see them unfortunately. I somehow left my card and card reader for my camera there, so no pictures. Sorry. :( Other "not so happies" include Andrew burning himself by putting his hand in my bowl of piping hot chili (he's ok, just didn't feel awesome at the time), eating my weight in sugar (seriously, what is it about this time of year that makes me feel like it's ok to go into a sweet-induced coma? If I do, please send chocolate chip cookie dough through my tubes so I can continue with the deliciousness.) and not getting to see Michael for 4 days. Andrew and I were sure glad to be home and see Mike. Visits are fun, but it's true that there's no place like home.