I am now a little over 38 weeks, and ready to have this baby. With Andrew, I was extremely patient (until his due date - after that Mike had to deal with the amazing hormonally-charged superfreak). We have the bassinet all set up, all her little clothes put away in drawers, and my bag is packed. For me it's the unknown that makes it difficult. If I knew she wasn't going to come on her own and I'd have to be induced, I could be patient and just wait. Since I have been having some much heavier contractions for the past couple of days, I'm definitely ready to let this little girl come so we can meet her. In the meantime, I'm going to sit back and try to be patient.
Darn it. It's not working.
Good luck! We're all cheering for you! BTW, I just finished that book on your "currently reading" thing. lol!
Yes,the not knowing when is the worst part! Soon enough though :) Can't wait!
Good luck! I feel for ya! I hope it comes quickly for you!
do you have a specific color scheme you're following for her room?
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