I'm sure people get sick of me bragging on my kids, but I can't help it. They are so dang cute and creative.
Although I didn't seem to get any pictures of her actually smiling, she was having a great time. She got a stuffed bird animal and was making it fly while having the bird say things like, "I'm flying! Wow! Look at me! I'm as high as a kite. Thanks!" Then apparently the bird needed to be rescued, and Emmie was there to save the day.
This little gal knows her stuff. She finds shapes around the house, as well as pointing out numbers and letters wherever she goes. She loves to play pretend, and can be counted on to be any number of animals at any point of the day. There's something super cute about having your little girl in the tub, hair all soaped up on top of her head, pretending to swim and making weird noises, saying, "Mommy, I just TWYIN' to be a whale wight now."
Andrew has been blowing us away with the creativity he has been showing with his drawing. As little as 8 months ago or so, all he was drawing were scribbles or "pipes" which were lines.
Instructions for making a sock puppet. |
Bugs crawling toward a chocolate chip cookie, saying Mmmm! He drew the cookie, asked me to make the ants, then came back to me a few minutes later with the rest. SO cute. He informed me that bugs like things that are sweet and crunchy. |
It's backwards, but he wrote "Hi you" by himself, then asked how to spell I Love You. It was a message for Mike, I believe. |
Sorry these are sideways. These are different robots. And they are so cute, and each is unique.
This is some sort of maze/aquarium for tadpoles. |
A pickle |
Fish and tadpoles with numbers for their fins. |
A truck. He made several of these and today asked me to help make a book of them. The top left corner has a checkmark. When we do school, he gets either a checkmark or a smiley face when he's done. When he finishes a drawing, he often gives himself a checkmark and says, "Wow, that is great!" |
Fish swimming up to his fish bowl. |
A guy with food, standing on a table. See the wood grain? I'm telling you, he's pretty detailed! |
So yeah, my kids are basically smart, creative, beautiful, wonderful. I'm bragging, but you're reading it, so you might just have to agree with me. :)
Definitely wonderful, cute and amazing! I love it! They are adorable.
By the time your kids grow up you will have such a big pile of drawings you will have to rent a storage unit for them. And yes, they are extremely cute and talented. They take after their parents.
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