February 27, 2014

My Kids Talk

1.  An interchange on Valentine's Day:
"I love you, Emily."
"I love you, Andrew."
2.  Emily, after drinking the sacrament water, said at the top of her lungs (as is her custom at church):
"Vegetables!  Num num! Deeeeeeelicious!"
3.  Andrew, out of the blue:
"I love spending time with you.  I realllllly love spending time with Emmie."

4.  Said by Emily, during church, really loudly:
"It is so quiet right now.  I need muuuuuuusic."
5.  Andrew said this when we were walking by a man in the gym.  I almost died:
"That's the biggest tummy I ever seen!!!!!  Right, Mom?"
6.  Said by Andrew, when I tried to cheer him up by showing him something Charlie was doing:
"That's cute and all, but I don't want to be happy right now."
7.  Andrew to Charlie:
"Here you go sweetheart honey little baby boy.  Here's a cheerio."
8.  Emily to Charlie and me:
"Come on kiddos!  Come follow me!"
Our "baby"
9.  Andrew has some interesting words that we aren't really sure what they mean.  He talks about today, tomorrow, and to-later.  He also has categorized all of his pants as either fuzzy or spicy.  I'm pretty sure if it has a button and zipper, it's spicy.  He'll wear whatever we give him, but he always prefers "fuzzy pants."
10.  Me: Emily, what's your favorite color?
E:  Chocolate milk
11.  Emily, after seeing Charlie push himself over in his chair and hit his head (he's ok).  She was very upset and frantic.
"Oh, Mommy!  No, look at Charlie!  Keep holding him!  Poor Charlie!  OH NO!!!!  Poor Char........ooooooooo" She was okay from that point on because during the "ooooo"she realized that his cereal was abandoned and she could eat it in his absence.
12.  Charlie's answer to every question:

1 comment:

Mom said...

Your kids are sure funny. You'll have to change your stick figure of Charlie from a baby to a toddler before long.