Kids are weird. I was no exception.
I thought little people lived in the stoplights.
I figured they would look out to see who needed the green light, and would make the appropriate change. I remember trying really hard to show the little people that I understood. When we got a green, I would ever so slightly incline my head in thanks to the wee ones above us. When we got a red, I would close my eyes and nod my head humbly, in the attitude of understanding.
I. Was. A. Weird. Kid. Of course, I grew out of that.
I then thought there were cameras, and there was a guy with two huge (I'm talking HUGE) buttons (one green, one red) who would take care of switching the lights. Need I say it again? Weird kid.
I like to think that maybe I was just a super imaganiative person, and that I still am. For instance, while doing a karate/exercise DVD last week, anytime I got super tired, I would imagine someone coming to hurt my family, and it would give me the extra boost I needed. Normal? Not as much as you'd think. In the short 2 seconds I came up with this brilliant plan, I already had a story line set up in my mind.
Andrew and I are in Shoe Carnival when some guy with a goatee and a do-rag snatches him up. I throw down the shoes I was trying on and chase him to the door. With one arm, I'm punching the guy, which in turn knocks Andrew out of his arms, and into mine....
As if I could actually do anything that coordinated. I literally punched myself in the jaw shortly thereafter, and I have the bruise on my chin to prove it. Smooth.
So the point of this really long rambly post is, I'm a really weird kid. But I'm nice.