Andrew has started eating bananas. He. Loves. Them. As soon as he sees me pick one up, his eyes light up, and his arms start flailing.
He's a mess, but we love him.
This picture was ridiculous. It just made me laugh. He looks like he's been drinking some fermented banana juice or something.

Here's why he gets so messy. He is good about getting the banana in his mouth, but bad at not pulling some out with his little hands....

He's started smiling with his tongue out like that. Even with a bib and face full of a nasty spit/banana mixutre, he's adorable.
What can I say? The kid's just sweet. And when did he start looking like a big kid?
ha ha ha, you think he looks like a big kid now? Wait till he starts walking (talking, going to kindergarten ((sob)).
I love the James Herriot books by the way!
He IS starting to look like a big kid! CRAZY! And oh my gosh, he's so adorable!!! I just started laughing over his cute self in these pictures, and laughed hard enough that David stopped reading his book to see what was going on. :D I like that baby...
Man alive. Andrew is so stinkin' cute. I was thinking the same thing while looking at these pictures - that he is looking so big and cuter everyday. I didn't realize he was eating real bananas. I thought it was baby food. What a cutie. I totally want to come see him SO bad (yes - I want to see you other guys too) :)
Yes, he does look older than he did when you came about three weeks ago. Dad said that everyone oohed and aaahed over him when he took you out to lunch.
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