December 4, 2013

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

I LOVE Christmas.  I mean, I really love it.  I have read a lot of blog entries over the last couple of years about the commercialism and over-doing of Christmas.  I'd like to give my few words on it.
Yes, there are people who take it too far.  Taking out payday loans and using every last cent they have to make sure their loved ones have mounds of gifts under the tree.  Stressing out over family gatherings and trampling strangers in order to get a good deal.  I certainly don't advocate that kind of behavior.  But I am a big supporter of making every day during the Christmas season a magical, special day.  Remembering Christ's birth is in no way marred by the fun and magic of Santa and his little reindeer.  Maybe it's just me, but there is something amazing about seeing a child learn both about the do-gooder who brings presents to the children of the world and the Son of God who came to give us the greatest gift of all - Himself.
Here's a few things we've done so far.
We've been reading a scripture a night about the Savior's birth.  Andrew has really gotten into it and has been "reading" some on his own.  My favorite thing he said is "Heavenly Father made the to world because He loves me."

The local library had a night of pictures with Santa and games and activities.  The kids had such a fun time, and the Santa was really sweet.  I'll post those pictures when we get them.

Here we are waiting to see Santa.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Enjoy those days when your children are believers (of Santa). They go away so soon. Luckily they can continue to be believers of God & His Son Jesus Christ forever. Can't believe that it is almost Christmas already.