Confession: I have a slightly huge obsession with the Rocky movies. I don't know what it is about them, but they just make me so happy! I'm not a huge fight-movie fan, nor do I normally enjoy violence in movies at all. These movies, though!!! Ok, so I actually hate Rocky 5. The only redeeming quality it has is the very ending. The rest is just depressing and horrible. But the other 5 are such amazing movies!!! If you haven't seen these movies, do it! You will love them. They are so full of heart, and the character development for ALL the characters is out of this world! Rocky is, of course, the best, but you can't beat Mick, Apollo Creed, Adrian, Paulie, etc..... If you are a Rocky fan, you know what I'm talking about. Which is your favorite movie? What are your favorite parts? Who's your favorite character? Leave me a comment. I'm interested! Ok, I'll leave you non-Rocky-lovers in peace, while I shake my head at the sadness that is your life without the Italian Stallion. :)
I have to confess that I have never seen a Rocky movie, but Nathan loves them and after reading your post I have decided that I should give them a try. I'll let you know what I think!
I still need to see them, since my name is practically Adrian ;)
hmmm. Never would have pegged you as a Rocky fan. Very interesting.
Ive only seen the one with MrT and hulk hogan.
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