Because we've been in our townhouse for almost 3 years, and because we can't seem to just throw junk away, our basement has become a bit of a nightmare. It's scary, I tell you.
Because my brother-in-law is coming to live with us temporarily while his family finds a house in the area, we have been forced to change our packrat-ish ways. For instance, I had a box full of picture frames. Full.... I currently have zero pictures up in my house. That's right. Zero. Will I put some up? Of course. Is it going to happen soon? Don't make me laugh. So why, you may ask, did I have an entire box full of frames? Just call me rat-face.
I've now become Goodwill's best friend. I've sent my poor husband on Goodwill runs so many times, I doubt he'll speak to me again. Really, though - it has felt SO good to just get rid of stuff! We've been scanning papers instead of keeping all the huge piles of memorabilia, donating or giving away things we really don't need, and just generally ridding our lives bit by bit of,well...junk.
As my main man Henry David Thoreau said, "Simplify, simplify, simplify."
Because my brother-in-law is coming to live with us temporarily while his family finds a house in the area, we have been forced to change our packrat-ish ways. For instance, I had a box full of picture frames. Full.... I currently have zero pictures up in my house. That's right. Zero. Will I put some up? Of course. Is it going to happen soon? Don't make me laugh. So why, you may ask, did I have an entire box full of frames? Just call me rat-face.
I've now become Goodwill's best friend. I've sent my poor husband on Goodwill runs so many times, I doubt he'll speak to me again. Really, though - it has felt SO good to just get rid of stuff! We've been scanning papers instead of keeping all the huge piles of memorabilia, donating or giving away things we really don't need, and just generally ridding our lives bit by bit of,well...junk.
As my main man Henry David Thoreau said, "Simplify, simplify, simplify."

And with hair like that, he just can't be wrong.
I was in a huge state of shock thinking that you meant Tom was living with you and the Jacobs were moving. I was really thinking, "WHAT" until luckily I remembered David and it all made sense.
Ha ha! His hair lol!
I have the same box of picture frames in my basement. I can't seem to stop buying them. I keep meaning to frame these all of these pictures, and hang them up, but I never manage to get around to doing it. I blame it on Amy.
I know what you mean about simplifying. Remember all the STUFF we got rid of when we moved to Missouri? Never missed a thing either.
This is funny because I just taught a RS lesson Sunday about simplifying our lives (based on the conference talk by Elder Wirthlin). Guess who Elder Wirthlin got his inspiration from? Your man Thoreau!
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