Michael graduated on Sunday! I can't believe it's already been 3 years. He has worked so hard. At the graduation, the dean of the school was talking about how nice it will be for the graduates' families to have their son/husband/etc back. I'm so thankful for my husband, because not only was he a really great student, but he has made such a huge effort to make his family a priority.
I'm also extremely grateful to my Heavenly Father for allt he strength and blessings he has blessed us with during this last leg of school. It was a really great day and made a great Mother's Day.
Congratulations, sweetie!!!
Andrew and me watching the ceremony. I was so impressed with how good the kids were during the whole thing! There was a very nice, long-suffering lady in front of us who was very understanding when Andrew a) sat on her back and b) pointed at the stage and decided that resting his hand on her head was a good idea c)tried to draw on her back with a crayon.
Emily was impressed with all the clapping. When everyone was clapping for the 2012 graduates at the end, I told Andrew they were clapping for Daddy and he looked happy and shocked. Then he stared at everyone clapping, got excited, and clapped like crazy. He also yelled out, "YAY DADDY!" when Mike walked across the stage. It was so sweet. |
Emily wasn't too impressed with the hat. |
Mike and his dad after the ceremony. It was so nice of my father-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law to come all this way and to help with the kids. Thanks everyone! |
Isn't he handsome? |
My favorite boys |
Me and the greatest lawyer I know. :) |
When did my Daddy go completely grey???? :O
Congratulations, Michael!!
Karen, you look awfully young in these photos!
Congrats you guys! Crossing that bridge of no more school is like a breath of fresh air!!
Congrats! And love that dress on you Karen!
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