We had a couple of people over for a Labor Day barbeque. I don't know what happened, but we ended up with SO much food. I mean, it was ridiculous. You'd pick something up and by the time you were finished with it, there was no spot for it anymore. It was the black-hole of foods. It was delicious, and I was really digging the beautiful colors!
We bought the biggest watermelon ever. Seriously, I cut up half of it, and it filled 2 big bowls and a large platter. Sheesh!
An amazingly fuzzy picture of our friends Natalie and Quentin. We had them over for our barbeque. Andrew loves those two. Everytime he sees Quentin, he smiles. We think they're pretty fun, too. :)Brat burgers, hot dogs, and amazing chicken. I just did a spice rub on it and let it sit for an hour before we grilled it and it was sooooooooo delicious! I call the burned hot dog!! I love my meat "hockey-puck style."
Tomatoes and cucumbers drizzled with a touch of Italian dressing. It would have looked better, but I was running out of time. I love the colors, though.

Grapes and strawberries. Mmmmmmm......
And why wasn't I invited???........oh yeah. :)
Wow, no kidding. Those foods look professional. Was anyone besides Natalie and Quentin there for your BBQ?
Nope, just them. Then we went to their house and watched The Office. It is soooooo hilarious. You need to come visit (we have bunk beds....- sing that in an inticing kinda way) so we can watch it together.
Oooh, that cucumber and tomato thing looked really good. I will have to try that!
Wow, we made the blog and I didn't even know you took our picture! That was a lot of food. But it's making me hungry now!
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