August 13, 2005

Isn't he cute? Aug. 13, 2005

In Washington, D.C. August 13, 2006

Laughing at the Arch museum- 2006

A cute one of us at our reception right before cutting the cake - the real one, not the pumpkin head one. :) August 20, 2005

Our first Christmas together - December 2005

Hanging out at the zoo - Summer 2007
(First off, turns out we need more pictures taken together. We have a lot of recent ones of me alone or him alone, but not many together.)
Tomorrow marks Michael and my 4th anniversary. These have truly been a barrel of laughs, a growing time, and a huge blessing. I love Mike more than I could have ever imagined and feel so blessed and lucky to be his wife. To know him is to love him, and I am so very happy to be able to do both as much as I like. Happy Anniversary, honey!
Happy Anniversary. With our computer down I didn't get to post about our 4 year anniversary. I need to devote a day to posting. If I bring the computer to Jason's mom's house and plug it in and not bump the computer I may be able to post. Hopefully. I need to write a talk for Sunday. Blah.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! It just flies by doesn't it?
(can you believe Erik & I have been married 14 years? How weird is that?)
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