March 6, 2016

Reeeeeaalllllly catching up (AKA lots of pictures.)

Things around here have been the same, but they seem SO much busier!  Mike's enjoying his new job, while still missing his old one.  He's still the best guy we know, and we sure like him a lot.
I'm keeping busy teaching the kids, potty training Charlie (save me), and loving our new home, while missing our old one. 
Andrew is...Andrew.  Funny, sweet, crazy, and a big help around the house.
Emily is learning not to be sassy, how to write her letters, and being a great sister to her brothers.
Charlie is trying to potty train (although the only part he seems to enjoy is watching tv while sitting on the potty and then going all over the floor after hours of sitting on the potty - again, save me.)
Henry is growing WAY too fast.  He loves his family, loves finding old food in the deepest darkest corners of the kitchen, loves music, and feeding himself.
Get together with my family for Christmas - just a month late.  This is one picture of the only handful or so I managed to get.  We are so lovely.
Oh, dear.
She was panning for gold.
I felt a little guilty, but couldn't make myself help him get that goldfish cracker off his hand.  He tried to get it in his mouth like that for a good minute or so.  He finally got it and we cheered for him.  :)
Mommy and Andrew are twins!  I came across these pictures today and had to laugh.  Andrew is wearing his daddy's sweat band in a unique way, and I am frustrated with myself for locking us out of the house after going to the gym that morning.  We had to wait for over 3 hours for AAA to get us in.  Luckily, it was a nice day, and I have patient kids.
The kiddos took swimming lessons.  Let me rephrase.  The three "big" kids had swimming lessons, but Charlie freaked out after the first lesson so he will try again another time.  :)  The other two did great, and can't wait to start again in April.
"I'm driving the van like Daddy!"
Andrew's newest funny face.  It does crack me up.
I look SO good when I wake up in the morning.
Happy 3rd Birthday, big guy!
Why yes.  I DO have cupcake in my teeth here. 
Someone was a BIG fan of the cake.
Although you can't tell by the picture, we had a blast at our co-op's Valentine's Day celebration.
Speaking of Valentine's Day, we had crepes for dinner, stuffed with mushrooms, asparagus, and chicken.  It was HEAVENLY!
And then, of course, dessert crepes.  Nutella cream and bananas.  YES!
Livin' the dream.
Baby's first selfie.  Nailed it.
It was a little bit chilly out, so Andrew decided to wear 7 shirts, 5 pants, and 3 pairs of socks.  And he looked like he had a huge gut.
Apparently the big kids wanted to support Charlie in his potty training by watching tv in the bathroom.  Why they are all in their undies is beyond me.  I know they were dressed before that...
Emily is wearing a dress I wore when I was a little girl.
And the pose is all her.  Maybe we should call it the "hear ye, hear ye" pose.

1 comment:

kirsten said...

Love that dress!!!