These kids are killing me.
A: Mom, thanks for fixing this soup.
Me: Oh, thanks pal. Does it smell good?
A: *looks in the pot with a disgusted look on his face* No. Not
usually Mom.
A: *holds nose* Mom, what is that
horrible smell?
Me: You're lucky you've survived this long, kid.
A: Huh?
Me: I love you.
A: Me too.
Me: Our bodies are great. I like my legs because I can jump and run, and my arms blah blah blah.
A: *Starts explaining the digestion process - a current obsession* soccer-fish (esophagus) and my yarge intest-yin and my small intest-yin, brain.
Me: What about you, Emmie?
A: She likes her heart. Because it's so sweet.
I like Charlie. He is our babysitter, right, Mom?
Me: Em, come on over and get your diaper changed?
E: No, can't! I can't weach it!
Me: You can't reach it?
E: No diaper change. I just can't weach it. I just can't.
*Charlie was reaching for a toy she was holding*
No, Charlie!! It's Emmie Me My's!
Anytime we give her something, she has started saying, "Sank you da much." (Thank you very much.)