Emily was a ballerina. She was soooo very cute. Her tutu was extremely easy to make, and I just love her in it!

Such a little happy baby.

Aaron was a male model. Here he is doin' his thing on the catwalk.

Andrew was a missionary. He wore Mike's tag and looked super cute. He had another costume, but refused to wear it. This was a great alternative!

Three things: Note Andrew eating candy. He was soooo very excited about it. Note Emily's cutie little chubby cheeks. I dare you not to want to kiss those cheeks. I double dog dare you.

Andrew point-blank WILL NOT look at the camera when I'm trying to take a picture. I finally got him to look at the camera and smile. And of course it turned out super fuzzy. Oh well. He's a cutie.
cute stuff! love the little tutu. my girl wore one for her first halloween, too - she was a little fairy.
So sorry I didn't get to see them actually trick-or-treating. Oh, well. Have a great week.
Awww so cute! Wish we could have seen them in person. And I can't resist kissing those little cheeks, you win :)
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