I found this post in my draft folder. It was written when I was pregnant...with ANDREW. Wow. Anyway. Here it is in all it's belated glory, with some updates.
Confession: I am the worst visiting teacher. Ever. As in, I quite literally avoid the lady who gets my visiting teaching numbers each month because I feel racked with guilt by the very sight of her. No joke. I’m that bad.
Confession: I avoid making friends. Now, I think I’m a pretty friendly person, and I don’t bite people who try to talk to me, but I feel like I get such limited time with Michael and my family that I never go out of my way to spend time with people other than my family. *Update - that's not so much true anymore, although I am still a homebody.*
In church on Sunday, the speaker was talking about angels. One thing he said that really made me stop and think was that some people are afflicted with many trials in this life and “some are exceedingly blessed so that they may help others as angels.” Now I’m not saying that things have always been easy or that I’ve been given some sort of carte blanche on trials or anything. All I’m saying is that my life has been blessed beyond measure, and I really ought to be looking to see who I can help more often. Hence, my first two confessions.
I can’t think of any aspect of my life in which I haven’t been blessed. I have the best husband, the best family, a good job, the best friends, the gospel, and the sweetest little Jellybean (who has been boxing in my stomach all week, I swear.) I have every reason to slap myself when I become a Laman/Lemuelite and start my stupid murmuring. Don't pretend like you wouldn't kind of like seeing me slap myself. I'm considering selling tickets to earn money. *Update - Sweet little Andrew, sweet little Emily.*
Last Confession: I often space out in sacrament meeting trying to figure out what famous person or animal the speaker looks like. (We had Thomas Edison speak on Sunday – no kidding- they could have been brothers.) I will do that until I realize I’m doing it. Then I stop. (usually)
Confession: I am the worst visiting teacher. Ever. As in, I quite literally avoid the lady who gets my visiting teaching numbers each month because I feel racked with guilt by the very sight of her. No joke. I’m that bad.
Confession: I avoid making friends. Now, I think I’m a pretty friendly person, and I don’t bite people who try to talk to me, but I feel like I get such limited time with Michael and my family that I never go out of my way to spend time with people other than my family. *Update - that's not so much true anymore, although I am still a homebody.*
In church on Sunday, the speaker was talking about angels. One thing he said that really made me stop and think was that some people are afflicted with many trials in this life and “some are exceedingly blessed so that they may help others as angels.” Now I’m not saying that things have always been easy or that I’ve been given some sort of carte blanche on trials or anything. All I’m saying is that my life has been blessed beyond measure, and I really ought to be looking to see who I can help more often. Hence, my first two confessions.
I can’t think of any aspect of my life in which I haven’t been blessed. I have the best husband, the best family, a good job, the best friends, the gospel, and the sweetest little Jellybean (who has been boxing in my stomach all week, I swear.) I have every reason to slap myself when I become a Laman/Lemuelite and start my stupid murmuring. Don't pretend like you wouldn't kind of like seeing me slap myself. I'm considering selling tickets to earn money. *Update - Sweet little Andrew, sweet little Emily.*
Last Confession: I often space out in sacrament meeting trying to figure out what famous person or animal the speaker looks like. (We had Thomas Edison speak on Sunday – no kidding- they could have been brothers.) I will do that until I realize I’m doing it. Then I stop. (usually)

And here's a quote from the real Thomas Edison that fits quite nicely...
"I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."
Please don't avoid me. I won't judge you on your visiting teaching status!
yeah, we'd get along JUST fine! but we'd never hang out. ;)
(so many people don't get your 2nd one - and church expects SO much from us socially, doesn't it?)
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