Here's the last week or so in pictures.
Andrew and Daddy listening to the iPod. Please ignore the fact that Andrew looks like a drunk chipmunk. He was really having a great time.

Seriously love this kid. I was at my sister Jeanette's house for the weekend and I really missed my guys. Doesn't Andrew have the sweetest little face?

Sleeping. Little angel.

My sisters and mom were at Jeanette's house this weekend doing some deep cleaning and organizing the baby's stuff while she's on bedrest. I thought for sure I got a picture of my sister Laura cleaning, but it's not on here. Oh well.
Here's me cleaning blinds.

And here's Jeanette touching up the paint in the baby's room. Then she got in trouble for being up (by me) and was forced to get back to bed. Bad girl.

Amy cleaning the baby's windows.

My mom cleaning the lights.
What a good picture of me. I especially love that my pants are sagging and my tongue is sticking out. But, um....this picture wasn't taken while I was on bedrest. No. It was before. Heh Heh. Yes, I know. I'm bad. It's so hard.
I love how you sisters (and mom) get together and do stuff together. I think it's really great.
Get back in bed Jeanette!! :) Karen, your little boy is ADORABLE!
Geez, send your cleaning crew my way! Talk about some deep cleaning!
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