Our friends Natalie and Quentin had their little guy this week. I got to go see him at the hospital, and he was totally adorable!
He kept sucking in his bottom lip. It was hilarious, and adorable.
Doesn't he have a beautiful profile? What a sweetie.
Here we are. Don't mind my hair/face. I was at the park all morning with Andrew and some friends and it was super windy. I was looking a little rough. And boy do I need some sun! :)
And here he is at the park. It was over 60 for a couple days so we were out a lot. It felt SO good, and Andrew was thrilled. He went down the slide about a million times, ran around like he was crazy, and cried when it was time to go. It was amazing. Sigh. Spring is going to come. We just have to wait a little while. :)
I love your haircut - very cute! Did you donate your hair or just cut it? Andrew is a cutie!
Cute hair! I wanna chop mine off too!
Cute haircut! And I'm jealous you've already gotten to hold Brady!!
Your hair really does look good short. I want mine cut SO bad. Natalie and Quentin's baby is such a little cutie. And, I miss Andrew. What a cute little ham he is.
Your hair is SOO cute. I love that cut.
Your hair really does look great!
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