A picture of me, just to prove that yes, there is a face behind this blog. And her hair is getting really long. And it really needed to be brushed.
Aren't these the most beautiful blueberry muffins you ever saw?? Yum, and so so pretty. I was pretty proud. Andrew was so happy with them. :)
September 30, 2010
September 29, 2010
Updates Part 1
September 27, 2010
and tomorrow makes 40...

I've lost 8 1/2 pounds, 4 inches on my waist, and 3 inches on my hips. Wahoo! It would be nice if I could reach my goal weight in 40 days, but as that's not possible, I'll just be happy with my results! :)
I wrote a pretty long post about this, but don't think I have the guts to post it quite yet. So for now, I'll just say that I'm proud of my progress, and can't wait to see more in the weeks to come.
September 23, 2010
Just a little rant...
I am an opinionated person. I know this. I have very distinct feelings/opinions about my family, my religion, politics, raising my son, and a host of other things. I don't share most of these on my blog. I'll pause a moment so you can all thank me..................................You're welcome.
So I really get frustrated when people share their opinions in such a way that it makes people who don't share that opinion feel like idiots. For example - I believe in homeschooling. Let me re-state - I love homeschooling. I think it is a wonderful thing we can do for our kids. BUT, I'm not about to say that it's the right choice for every child and every parent. It's not. Some kids thrive in public school. Some parents can't/don't want to home school their children. Michael was home schooled, I wasn't. I think we both really turned out well.
Yes, I do have a point. I don't like when people state their opinion using words like 'this horrible practice' or 'if you love your kids' or 'the only right choice'. If I've done this, I really apologize. I know it's hard when you feel strongly about something not to say it strongly. I do. But I also feel it's wrong to not consider that what you're saying may make others feel they're bad people, bad parents, bad human beings for believing a certain way.
OK, so in trying to make a post about not getting emotional about your opinions, I have done that very thing. Shoot. And in case you're wondering, nothing big happened that spawned this post. It's just something I've been thinking about. I promise the next post will be cute pictures of the kid.
So I really get frustrated when people share their opinions in such a way that it makes people who don't share that opinion feel like idiots. For example - I believe in homeschooling. Let me re-state - I love homeschooling. I think it is a wonderful thing we can do for our kids. BUT, I'm not about to say that it's the right choice for every child and every parent. It's not. Some kids thrive in public school. Some parents can't/don't want to home school their children. Michael was home schooled, I wasn't. I think we both really turned out well.
Yes, I do have a point. I don't like when people state their opinion using words like 'this horrible practice' or 'if you love your kids' or 'the only right choice'. If I've done this, I really apologize. I know it's hard when you feel strongly about something not to say it strongly. I do. But I also feel it's wrong to not consider that what you're saying may make others feel they're bad people, bad parents, bad human beings for believing a certain way.
OK, so in trying to make a post about not getting emotional about your opinions, I have done that very thing. Shoot. And in case you're wondering, nothing big happened that spawned this post. It's just something I've been thinking about. I promise the next post will be cute pictures of the kid.
September 19, 2010
Oh Daddy's Boy
Andrew loves his daddy. A lot. He runs to the door as soon as he hears Michael coming, cracks up at anything he does, and tries to imitate everything he does.
Here he is trying to help Michael fix the drain. He kept running up to him, patting him on the back and saying, "Daddy. Daddy."
Did I mention he cracks up at everything he does?
Little Poser. They are so cute together. It's so nice that my two favorite guys are such good buddies!
September 18, 2010
Last Saturday we invited some friends to the park to make S'mores. It was fun! We even got some additions/uninvited guests to our party, including none other than a little girl who narrated Michael starting the fire (step by annoying step- seriously the kid wouldn't be quiet) and the homeless guy who proclaimed himself to be a "homeless kind of guy and a daddy day-care kind of guy." Not quite sure what that meant, but he was nice enough.
Andrew enjoying his first marshmallow. Yes, the entire thing in at once. That's how he rolls.
Almost everybody. I think we're missing 2 little guys and my husband.
None other than our very own Natalie Bell, extremely excited by her marshmallow skills (which were far superior to my own). And yes, that's my husband in the background, and no, he wasn't trying to push the pregnant girl into the fire.
September 17, 2010
The Five Foods I'll Meet In Heaven
1. White Chicken Chili.
I love this stuff more than I should.
2. Carmel Brownies.
Whoops. Drool.
3. Pizza.
Pizza is amazing. So many different flavors, and different variations. I especially am obsessed with Papa Murphy's.
4. Tomatoes, straight off the vine, sprinkled with a little salt.
So delicious.
5. Mangoes.
Juicy, sweet, and so awesome.
I love this stuff more than I should.
2. Carmel Brownies.
Whoops. Drool.
3. Pizza.
Pizza is amazing. So many different flavors, and different variations. I especially am obsessed with Papa Murphy's.
4. Tomatoes, straight off the vine, sprinkled with a little salt.
So delicious.
5. Mangoes.
Juicy, sweet, and so awesome.
September 13, 2010
I'm a Loser.
4 inches total on my waist
1 1/2 inches on my hips
See ya, jerky inches. Never to be seen again.
1 1/2 inches on my hips
See ya, jerky inches. Never to be seen again.
September 12, 2010
What is required?
I had an aha! moment today. First off, I love the story in the Book of Mormon of Lamoni and Ammon and Lamoni's father and Aaron. How much cooler can the scriptures be, what with all the arms getting lobbed off, the guys fainting for days, oh and of course all of the teaching basic principles about the love of God and all that. For those of you who don't know the story, I highly recommend you read it. It starts in Alma 17. Click here. http://scriptures.lds.org/en/alma/17
After some misunderstandings and a great conversion on Lamoni's father's part, he says,(edited down for space) "What shall I do that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken? Yea, what shall I do that I may be born of God, and receive his Spirit, that I may be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day? Behold, said he, I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy. So, I'm thinking...that would be hard. Giving up EVERYTHING. And I'm wondering, would I be so strong as to give everything up for God? Then Aaron tells him that he just has to repent and bow down before God, etc. Then comes the clencher. Here's the King again.
Alma 22:17 &18 - And it came to pass that when Aaron had said these words, the king did bow down before the Lord, upon his knees; yea, even he did prostrate himself upon the earth, and cried mightily, saying: O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God; and if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee, and that I may be raised from the dead, and be saved at the last day.
So first off, I know I have to be willing to keep both feet planted on solid ground and keep my eyes and heart focused on Heavenly Father. But the AHA moment came when I realized that the king was WILLING to sacrifice all. It wasn't required that he do so, but the Lord blesses us when we are WILLING to sacrifice all we have for Him, His kingdom, and His children. And if we do it whole-heartedly, when we are called on to sacrifice our time or whatever, we will be more willing to do it, and then we will be more blessed.
I think I'm ready for this week now.
I think I'm ready for this week now.
September 5, 2010
15 months
Little Andrew is now 15 months old! Today the Primary presidency was talking about kids going into nursery by next year, and I realized our little guy was one of those kids!! I can't believe it. He's only getting more fun with time, so we're excited to see what he does next. (We just hope he doesn't do it while standing on the table or ripping apart dead flies.........anymore.)
"Hi. I'm innocent. Now look away for awhile and don't suspect a thing."
Such a happy little friend.
A wrestling match with the blankets must have exhausted him. (This is his preferred sleeping method.)
This is what we get when we say to smile at the camera.
We love our little guy.
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