No, this isn't an announcement. I've just noticed a lot of pregnant people in my life, and it got me thinking about the past little-over-a-year or so of my life. Every mom and every baby are different, but just going by my experiences so far - here's a little something I like to call
"There Will Be Times."
1. There will be times where you ignore the poopy diaper in the hopes that you husband will notice it and you won't have to change it.
2. There will be times when you feel you can't get enough pictures of your kid, because they are just too darn cute and funny. You will feel that no picture can truly capture your sweet little one.
3. There will be times when you literally feel yourself going insane. This can be either from lack of sleep, lack of intelligent conversation, or lack of food.
4. There will be times when all you can do is laugh while looking at your child freaking out because you won't let him play with the electrical cords.
5. There will be times when you worry about the future of your child, hoping they never have to suffer some of the struggles and trials that you and others you care about have had to endure.
6. There will be times when you cry, purely because you love your child so much and have no outlet for your immense happiness.
7. There will be times when you cry, purely because you just don't want to take care of the kid right now and you feel guilty.
8. There will be times when you make yourself feel guilty over really stupid things.
9. There will be times when, no matter how much you hate that you're doing it, you succumb to using the electronic babysitter.
10. There will be times when you realize that no one (not even your spouse) wants to hear one more "my son" story.
11. There will be times when you hold your sleeping baby and marvel at your amazing blessing.
12. There will be times when you get frustrated and sound meaner than you mean to.
13. There will be times when you can't wait for someone to babysit your kid.
14. There will be times when you can't wait to see him again.
15. There will be times when you miss them while they sleep.
16. There will be times when you compare yourself to other mothers.
17. There will be times when you want to scream, "Hey, Lady-in-the-Grocery-Store, I know how to raise my kid!!!"
18. There will be times when you and/or the kid haven't bathed in........awhile. Especially when they're newborns. You will stink. They will stink. It will stink.
19. There will be times when you are counting down the Sundays until the kid's in nursery.
20. There will be times of frustration, times of trial, times of joy, times of anger, times of reflection, times of laughter, times of tears, times of playtime, and times of sadness.
But mostly, there will be times of motherhood.
And I can't think of a greater time than right now.