January 3, 2011


2011 has started out pretty well. I feel very grateful for so many of my blessings.

1. A wonderful husband
2. A wonderful son
3. A healthy baby in the oven (15 weeks 4 days, heartbeat sounds great and everything's going well!)
4. A great family, including great in-laws
5. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I feel so blessed to be in Christ's church. I know that the teachings are true because I've asked God and felt the Spirit manifest that they are true. When I follow Christ's teachings, I am happier and more driven to be better. I feel close to the Savior and to my Heavenly Father. It's an incredible feeling.
6. So many, many more.

Welcome 2011! We're excited to see what you have in store!

1 comment:

Mom said...

We do have a good life, don't we?