Snow, snow, snow! This has been the whitest winter I think I have ever seen around here. Andrew has really been loving it, and we have too! He always wants to go out to play, although the last snow we got was about 10 inches or so. He couldn't walk in it. It was so cute.

Two-fisted apple eating.... He put quite a dent in it!

He sat at the table reading the Ensign and drinking water for quite a while. Too cute. When he would come across a picture of Christ he'd say "Jesus." Again, too cute...

Cooking! He loves it. Anytime I'm making dinner, he wants to be right in the action. Our solution is for him to make his own dinner. He absolutely loves it. And he looks cute doing it.

Is it just me, or does it always seem so depressing when you take down all the Christmas decorations? I was glad to take them down, but the best solution is to just get some Valentine's decorations up! Here are some cute hearts I made for the wall.

And.........Andrew's newest face. He hasn't been doing it as much lately, but we've really seen this face a lot this month. And it's hilarious, especially if you were an avid Full House watcher like I was. Duck Face anyone?