April 22, 2015


We have LOVED knowing that winter is behind us, and that Spring is here to stay!  (for a while anyway)  So here's how we've been spending it lately
I love all the "comfy" positions this kid gets in.  Apparently he needed Legos to sleep.

We got home from church the other day and Charlie insisted on wearing Emily's headband.  "I fancy."  He wore it for hours.

They love it when they have a "picnic."

Cute girl
We went out for a nice walk the other day.  It was so awesome.  The kids were so excited to explore.  Can I just say how cute my boys are?

Little Explorers

Emmie and her swollen, 9 month pregnant mama.

I'm pretty much ready to have our little guy come out and meet his family.

"Mommy, I want to sneeze on a dandelion!"

Admit it.  You're jealous of that silhouette.


Charlie loved picking dandelions.  He also really enjoyed hitting them with all his might and making the seeds go everywhere while he laughed like a mad man.

We are so happy for this season, and so happy to have our family all here with Uncle Tom visiting!

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