September 27, 2013

Always a Laugh

These kids are pretty crazy, but they say the funniest things.
Andrew and I were making cookies tonight.  We put the butter in the microwave and he said, "Hey, where's the cookie button?"  I guess if it makes popcorn, it should make cookies.

He has been obsessed with doing science experiments lately.  His latest one was today was half a box of Shredded Wheat with a piece of cheese on top.  It was a hideout for bugs, and an experiment to see how many of his "pets" would eat it.  He has about a hundred fake pets, including Liz from Magic School Bus.

I don't know what's going on here lately, but we've had a lot of crickets and grasshoppers here lately.  Emily likes to follow them on her hands and knees while saying, "Hey there, hoppers!  Hi guys!"

She also has been talking to herself lately.  "Emmie, it's time for bed....Okay, Emmie.  I know.  It's time."  She hasn't disagreed with herself, and frankly, it's been super helpful.  It's nice to have someone else on my side.  Especially one with such a good negotiator.  :)


Mom said...

Yum to the cookies; not so yum to the grasshopper, although it is a very good grasshopper picture. I'd like to see Emily crawling after them and talking to them. So, how many pets did eat the shredded wheat?

KarenEJacobs said...

I didn't take either of those pictures actually, but I wish I had. :) And all of his pets enjoyed the cereal. Especially Liz and the real life flies that were eating it. "Here you go, fly. Would you like some more? Try the cheese."