I've just discovered something super fun!!! At
www.goodreads.com, you can rate books you've read, and look to see what your friends are reading and what they enjoy. I know I've seen books on other people's blogs and stuff and thought how much we have in common in things we enjoy, but it's hard to share that. But I really really like the idea of this website. You can even keep a list on there of books you want to read. That way, when you're wondering what you should read next, you can just consult that list. Awesome! Ok, so I don't actually have any friends on there. So, if you like it, please let me know and we can be friends. :) Woohoo for reading!
I use goodreads all the time! For me it's like Facebook for literate people. I like to keep track of books I liked, and ones I've read to the kids and whatnot. On my blog, on the right-hand side there's a little button that says something like "my read shelf." Click on there and add me as a friend.
I'm on there. :)
I think I'm on there. I've not used it though. You should friend me. Maybe I'll start using it!
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