January 19, 2010

In a funk

Kind of feeling in a funk lately. Not sure why or what I can do to pull myself out of it, but there ya go. Not bad, not depressed, just kinda...bleh. In a funk.


timpani76 said...

Winter blues? I think January can be the most blah month with the grey, and the fog, etc. Exercise helps sometimes ;)

Mom said...

It may be because Michael is back to being in class all the time. You had quite a bit of time running around visiting people plus spending a lot of time with him. Now you're back to the daily "grind". And you're talking to someone all day that can't talk back. Feel free to call any time.

Renae said...

Funks suck, but they usually don't last.

Natalie said...

Ummm are we not fun enough to kill this funk?