August 1, 2016

Mothers and Fathers

Mother's Day 2016
 Father's Day 2016

There are days when we feel like pulling our hair out, and days when we aren't sure we can stand to hear that joke anymore.  Some days are full of frustration and guilt over not being as good as we wish we could be.  Some days, while sweeping up pounds of animal crackers, bread crusts, cucumber slices, and rice from under the table, we wonder how we're going to survive this time of four little kids.

But even during those trying times, we wouldn't give up one second.  We are enjoying tiny voices, hearing baby laughter and the ABC song for the 100th time that day.  We get to teach, to help, and to learn.  Being parents is a privilege, and we are so grateful.

1 comment:

  1. If everyone could learn to enjoy the moment, we'd be a lot happier. Enjoy those little ones; they will be grown before you know it.
