December 31, 2011

Sittin' Pretty

Sometimes you just need the right motivation.  
Emily's motivation to sit up?  This Hello Kitty water bottle.  She is obsessed with it.
She's pretty content to just lay around.  She can roll, but just doesn't usually.  I discovered yesterday that she can sit up unassisted, as long as she is reaching for or holding the water bottle.  She doesn't stay up long (maybe 3-4 seconds) but we're pretty proud of our little eggplant. 

Sitting.  And wearing adorable shoes.

Looking slightly punch drunk, but sitting up really well.

Right after she fell over.  She's still happy, even when she falls.  Love this little tyke.

Christmas Part Two

Apparently I didn't take as many pictures of the Barnard family's Christmas after all. :)  Here are just a couple more.
Andrew with his gift from Santa.  He gasped when  he saw it.  That was awesome.

Me and my little guy

Here Andrew is, a little oblivious to the world.

Emily doesn't like the flash at all.  At least she's sporting a nice bow. :)

My gorgeous sister Amy.  Doesn't she just look nice?  (She is.)

Starting Out Right

Tomorrow starts a whole new year.  Sometimes I think resolutions are silly since it seems that everyone makes them, then abandons them by January 2nd or 3rd.

I truly think, though, that resolutions are great.  It's a good time to evaluate your life, think of the things you would like to change, and set reasonable goals to make those changes.

One of my resolutions this year is to get more healthy.  That means watching what I eat, remembering to take my vitamins, drinking enough water, and exercising.  I turned 30 this month, and I want my 30's to be the start of a healthy life for me.  For the last couple of weeks, I have been exercising and eating healthier.  I've lost a couple pounds, and feel better.  We got a treadmill on the 27th, and so far, I've walked/run 10 miles.  Woohoo!

I'm hoping that recording some of my progress here on my blog will make me feel a bit more accountable and I'll keep this resolution.

What are your resolutions?

December 30, 2011

Christmas Part One

Apparently blogger changed the way pictures appear.  I had just figured out how to not do it all backwards, and now it's the opposite.  So...follow me back in time, please.
We had a really nice Christmas.  It was laid-back, Emily loved all the wrapping paper and pretty lights, Andrew loved...all of it.  I love my family, and it was nice to spend the holiday together!

Emily lays amid the Christmas carnage.  All her toys have been stolen by her older brother, but she's perfectly content with that tissue paper there.

Mike and his tiny tykes.  They were both absorbed in  Andrew's gift from Grandma J.  Drew is also holding Emily's gift from Grandma J.  :)

Karen with her tiny kids.  Who refuse to look at the camera.  Andrew got that little dog  for  his first Christmas and then got it again this year. :)  He was really excited about it.  He takes it to bed every night with him.  And please ignore my exhaustion in this picture.  I'm just glad I was able to keep my eyes open for the picture. :)

Andrew moving the mouse on the advent calendar to the 24!  Santa's coming tonight!

Our family on Christmas Eve

Andrew hanging up his stocking.  He thought they looked best on the tree.

Emily hanging her stocking.  She wasn't quite sure what was going on, but she looked adorable.  :)

I will add Part Two soon.  I know you're on pins and needles.

Because They're Adorable.

 Here's Andrew "sleeping."  He was just too adorable sitting there resting the book on his leg.  He is so cute.

Wearing her cupcake hat and mittens.  And making me laugh like crazy.

Yep, they're adorable.

December 21, 2011


Our little tykes are growing up.  Andrew has been able to crawl out of his crib since he was a year old, but hasn't (amazingly enough).  For the last couple of weeks, he has been getting out and reading in his bed rather than sleeping.  Emily is growing up so fast and will soon be too big for her bassinet, so we will need a crib.
Andrew moved to a toddler bed on Sunday night.  He hasn't napped since, but does well sleeping at night, even though he's been going down at 6:00 (because of not napping).  Emily spends part of the night in the crib, and takes her naps in there.  They have both been not sleeping well lately and I feel extremely sleep deprived.  When I start to get frustrated, I try to remember that these times won't last forever, and our little kids won't always be so little.

I know that someday, Andrew will no longer run to me yelling, "My buddy!"  Someday, he will no longer call Emily "Willy."   He won't always beg to watch "Fostee da Snow-an" and "Boos Coos."  He will not run in circles for no reason or fall asleep in my arms.

 Someday, Emily will no longer stick her legs straight up and suck on her big toe.  Someday she will have teeth, and I will miss that amazingly silly gummy grin.  She won't always use a pacifier and hold onto blankies.  She will grow up. 
I feel so blessed.  I love my little kids.  They are worth every bit of sleep deprivation and every bit of frustration.  Neil L. Anderson quoted a lady's blog and she said it perfectly.

Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in.
 It is what God gave you time for.”

December 20, 2011

Santa, Tree, and Us

Getting our Christmas tree.  As usual, Andrew was as cooperative as a 2 year can be.
We love Christmas around here!  Andrew is old enough to be excited for it this year, plus it's our little Emily's first Christmas. It'll be here before we know it, and we're just trying to enjoy the season while it's here! 

At Bass Pro Shop waiting to see Santa!

We went with some friends of ours.  Here they are in "Santa's sleigh."

Sorry this isn't the best quality.  I had to take a picture of it since we don't have a scanner. :)  Andrew was so excited to see Santa!  Emily was a little confused by the process, but was as usual, very pleasant.

Even though she gets into some weird situations sometimes.

December 14, 2011

Little Sweetheart

In case you need a cute baby fix, here you go!!!

Such a happy little gal.

5 months of cuteness

Funny Fae

December 13, 2011


Andrew is just about the cutest thing.  We put some gel clings up on our back door with Santa, snowmen, and a penguin.  The other day I looked over and Drew had taken the inside of the penguin, removed the nose, and had it laid out over a snowman.  Then I realized what he was saying.  "The daddy and his baby."

Seriously?  Where did he learn to be so cute?

Daddy and Emmie

These two love each other!

I love when she cradles his head like that.  She adores her daddy so much!

I love the matching smiles!  Love these two so much!

December 8, 2011

Because I can't help myself.

These JibJab videos are Andrew's favorite thing.  Click on the link below for the newest.  :)

December 5, 2011


Argh?  Is that a proper word for one who is frustrated? 

What is it about religion, politics, and child-rearing that can make people into raving lunatics?  Today, I am super frustrated with those who seem to be unable to respect others' opinions.  Luckily, this isn't something I deal with very frequently, as I like to keep my views on some subjects (especially politics) quiet. 

I believe it's important.  I have opinions (of course.)  I'm thankful to live in a country that makes it free for us to express our thoughts and beliefs.  I just really hate hearing people fight, purely based on an opposite opinion.  My frustration doesn't come from people stating how they feel, my frustration comes from the intolerance of others' feelings and opinions.

That probably makes no sense.  But I had to get it out, and decided that Facebook (the main contributor to my frustration) was not the way to go.  :)  I wish there was something called Fightbook, so people could fight about the state of the union and I wouldn't have to be part of it. 
