November 28, 2011

Thankful to Catch Up (ie Picture Palooza)

  I'm grateful that I started blogging about things I was thankful for this month.  Although apparently the last week or so I have totally slacked off, I still have been thinking a lot about what I'm grateful for.  It has definitely helped me see the bright side of life, as well as made me more grateful for what I have, especially the people in my life.
  Sometimes it's easy to look at other people and wish we had what they have, or looked the way they look, or whatever.  It's easy sometimes to look at our lives and think they're not much to talk about.  In reality however, things aren't always as they seem, both in our lives and in others'. 
  For the rest of this year, I am going to focus on the positive and work to show my love for those around me better.  I love Thanksgiving, because it puts me in a good mindset.  (Plus the food is amazing.)  I love Christmas, because it is the perfect time to celebrate the joy of life, and to celebrate our good fortune and blessings.  We think more of Christ and long to be more like Him.
  I am thankful for Christmas lights and hot chocolate.  I am thankful for silly Christmas movies and walking in the snow.  I am thankful for family and laughing until my sides hurt.  I am thankful for chilly weather, scarves, and seat warmers.  I am thankful for a knowledge that my Heavenly Father watches over me and loves me more than I can comprehend.  I am thankful for all of these things, but mostly I'm thankful that I am taking the time to be thankful for them.
  I am thankful to be thankful.

Emily's first Thanksgiving!

Worn-out baby snuggles with Grandma

Me and my Mommy!

Andrew chills with a cousin at Grandma's house

Andrew loved being ridden around on this bike at Amy's house.  His favorite part was going over the dirt pile.  I think we have a future Evil Knievel on our hands.

Emily is such a strong little lady.  She likes to be on her tummy more now and manages to bite or suck on her fingers all the time.

She loves the monsters on Andrew's wall.  Anytime we go in there, she will always find them and smile.  Sweet little baby!

Cute little cheeks!!!  Andrew and Emily loved the Christmas lights!  He wasn't too keen on sharing at first (note him pouting in the background) but after a little while he was saying, "Here-dee go, Willy.  Cool wights."

Sharing.  What sweet little kiddos we have.

Me and Emily

We attempted to get family pictures last weekend.  This was one of the better shots of Andrew. :)  He wanted to get down and play, so wasn't being the most cooperative 2 year old in the world.  (Cooperative and 2 year old don't usually go in the same sentence.  And for good reason.  :)

November 22, 2011

A New Day

Today I am thankful that today is not yesterday and that tomorrow is not today.  I have had some sort of bug the last couple of days.  Yesterday I felt absolutely awful, today I feel a little lousy, and tomorrow I will feel much better!  I just hope nobody here catches it.

November 21, 2011


Yesterday (oops) I was grateful for home.  We were visiting family this weekend, which was awesome, but there's nothing like coming home.  I'm grateful to have a home, and to share it with my family.


Today, as I always am, I am thankful for my parents.  I will be 30 next month, but I still rely on the steady rock that is my parents.  I know I can always turn to them, and they will be there. 

My dad is loving.  Andrew and Emily both love him, and I distinctly remember loving to sit on my dad's lap.  He is funny.  I mean, the guy is amazing.  He can remember any joke, and always has one at the tip of his tongue for any situation.  That's pretty good, but the fact that he can remember basically anything he's read....ever (!) that's amazing.  He is so smart, and so detailed.  My dad is always thinking of his kids, and is a wise daddy with very good advice.  I love to hear him play the guitar.  It's so soothing, and I know I got my love of music from him.  My dad loves my mom, and that has never been something we had to question.  Of all the things my dad is to me, he has become a marvelous example of how a husband should love and revere his wife.  It helped me make my decision of who to marry, because I knew I wanted someone to love me like that.  I'm so grateful to him for seeking out the church, remaining faithful, and teaching me.   He's the best, and I love him with all my heart.

My mom is...incredible.  Warm, generous, kind, funny, clever, great cook, amazing grandma, and solid as a rock.  My mom was put on this earth to be an angel to her kids.  She is so kind.  She always has something good to say about someone else, and is so in tune with the spirit to know who needs her.  Heavenly Father started teaching her at such an early age about who he was and what the truths of the gospel were.  She was ready, even then, to embrace the truth and live accordingly.  I know I'm not alone in feeling that my mom is the woman on earth I most admire.  This week while talking to my big brother, I said, "Mom is so great." He responded, "She's perfect."  And she is.  She will certainly read this and shake her head, feeling that she's not all that we think she is, but the truth is, looking to our mom as an example has done nothing but strengthened me and caused me to be better.  When I think of the typical idealistic grandma, I am thinking of my mom.  My kids both love her and it's so fun for me to see them getting to know the lady I love so much.  It's hard for me to express really how I feel about her, but this is a start.

I love you, Mom and Dad!  Thank you for letting me come to live at your house!

November 19, 2011

Days of Eternity

I'm three days behind.  Whoopsie.
Today I am grateful for 3 days that have shaped my whole life, as well as my eternity.
August 13, 2005
I married my best friend in the temple.  I know we will be together not just "until death do we part" but forever.  I am so grateful for that, and that we made the right choice.
 June 2, 2009
I met Andrew, my favorite little buddy in the world.  He was so little, so perfect, and I loved him right away.  It is an absolute privilege to spend my time with him, to raise him, to love him.  I'm glad he's our little guy.

June 22, 2011
I met Emily, my sweet little gal.  She was so so SO tiny, so beautiful, and so pleasant.  It's hard to imagine our family without our little tiny one.  I am so happy to have her in my home.  I love this little one.

November 19, 2011
Today I realize that what I do today will affect my eternity also.  If I choose to read my scriptures, I will be fortified and happy.  If I spend time with my family and show love, I will become more in tune with how to become a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.  Each day is the next step toward eternity.  And I am grateful to realize that.

November 15, 2011


I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for so many reasons, but one major reason is that we have the opportunity to serve.  We don't have a lay ministry, meaning that every aspect of the church is voluntary.  I've served as the music leader in Primary, the Primary President, a missionary, and many others.  Right now I have the privilege to serve the 12-18 year old girls as the Young Women President.  I was nervous and felt a little overwhelmed at the call, but I do know that these callings come from God, so of course I said yes. 

I have learned so much, and has loved every day with these funny, cute, sweet, spiritual, kind, motivated girls.

I'm grateful for this calling, and for all the callings I have been given and the amazing things I have learned. 

Clean Kitchen

Yesterday I spent a great majority of the day cleaning and organizing the kitchen.  It looks much better.  So yesterday, I was grateful to have a more sane kitchen. :)

November 14, 2011

Four Months

Emily is almost 5 months old, so I figured it was time for an update on our petite little lass.  First of all, look at the picture above here.  Emily started on rice cereal a couple weeks ago.  The first time she ate it, this was her reaction.  She was tired, teething, and it was just a bad time to try something new.  We waited a few days, and it was a hit!  Since then, every time she gets in the seat, her eyes get wide and she looks around expectantly.  Then when the bib goes on, she starts hopping up and down (kind of) in her seat and laughing.  Yeah, she likes eating.  And Andrew thought it was pretty funny that she was eating with a spoon.
 She is growing so fast, although she's still our tiny girl!  She had a doctor's appointment today and her first shot. :(  She was a brave girl, though and only cried for a second.  Here are her stats:
Height - 25" (50th percentile)
Weight - 13 lbs 1 oz (24th percentile)
 She is such a sweet little pleasant baby.  She lights up whenever she sees her Mommy or Daddy, and avsolutely loves to watch her big brother.  Since she's been eating rice cereal, it seems like she has been sleeping better.  Last night she slept from 9:30 to 11 and then 11:30 until 6:45!  She is such a good little baby.
It's hard to believe Emily hasn't always been in our family.  She fits in so perfectly, and we just love her to bits!

November 13, 2011


Autumn is my favorite season.  I think the clothes are at their cutest, the leaves are at their prettiest, the food is at its most comforting, and the weather is at its perfect crisp, cool, temperature.  Plus it's a time of wonderful holidays and anticipation of my favorite holiday - Christmas.  I absolutely love fall.  I am so grateful to live where we get different seasons, especially fall.
And I am grateful that we can go inside to escape the weather sometimes.  I love to get all bundled up and play at the park, or just sit outside with my little cutie Eskimos, but I'm grateful to live in a warm house where we are safe, where we can feel the Spirit, and where we know we are all loved.  

And I'm grateful that Emily looks like Toadette in that hat.

November 11, 2011

My Country

Today I am grateful for my country.  I love it with all my heart and am so grateful to be a citizen of the United States of America.  I'm grateful for all our veterans and their time and love of country. 

God Bless the USA!

November 10, 2011

Pacify Me

Today I am thankful for pacifiers.  I know some people are against them, but for me, they are stinking awesome.  Emily loves hers, taking it out to eat, talk, or just to stare at it.  Plus MAM has the cutest pacifiers.  It's hard not to buy them just because they're cute.  :)  I'm just glad that Little Miss Picky likes the cutest pacifiers the best.  :)


I am grateful for Jesus Christ.  I am so thankful for His sacrifice, His life, and His love for me.  I am thankful for His church and that I am a member of that church.  I am thankful for the Spirit that guides and directs my life.  I love the Holy Ghost for the peace and security it brings.

Most of all, today I am grateful for my Heavenly Father.  There have been so many times in my life when I have felt Him watching over me.  Today is one of those days.

When You Have a Two Year Old...

When you have a two year old....

1.  And you're teaching him to brush his teeth, don't just say, "Okay now, spit."  That is, unless you love getting toothpaste and toddler spit all over your face.
2.  Remember that sometimes bribery is awesome.  And it doesn't have to be much.  A 16 oz milk bottle in the grocery store?  A peaceful trip.  Again, bribery can be so awesome.
3.  Be careful, because they will catch onto everything.  Luckily for us, this hasn't come back to bite us or anything, but I've just become very aware of his spongey-ness.  When I gave him a haircut yesterday, he looked in the mirror and said, "Hm.  Nice haircut!"
4.  You will miss the baby that once was, absolutely love the sweet little crazy toddler he is, and both greatly anticipate and dread him growing up into a not-so-little person.

November 8, 2011

Chubby Cheeks

Today I am grateful for chubby baby cheeks.  Emily has the cutest little cheeks, especially since she's so petite.  And I also absolutely love her guaranteed-to-crack-me-up faces!!! 

November 7, 2011

Healthy and Safe

Today I am grateful that my family and I are healthy, safe, and happy.  I'm grateful for clean water, a warm home, that our country is not in a civil war (watched part of Hotel Rwanda the other day...not a good idea for someone like me.  So depressing, but amazing.), and we are all healthy.  Those are things that are easy to forget, but we should truly give thanks for them every day!

November 6, 2011

Being a Jacobs

Today I am grateful to be a Jacobs. 

In August 1999, my family moved to Salem, Missouri.  It was a big adjustment for me.  I missed my house, my friends, my ward, etc.  My very first Sunday I met three of my sister-in-laws.  One was my YW president and I thought she was amazing right off.  One was a cute little Beehive wearing bobby socks and shoes with elephants on them.  She was adorable (and continues on, only with different shoes).  And one was about my age, and I knew right away that I wanted to be her friend.  I thought she was just amazing.  I was so right.

Fastforward to about 7 years ago.  I had realized I was in love with Michael, but had decided not to say anything for lots of reasons, one being that I didn't want to lose my best friend.  I was sitting in his parents' living room, drinking OJ and talking to his mom.  I wanted so much to do that sort of thing again and again with her, and all of the Jacobs family.  Luckily for me, my best friend had been in love with me for quite a while, so it worked out that I have subsequently had lots of OJ and spoken with my mother-in-law lots and lots.  So.....yay!

Since then, I have come to know all of the Jacobs.  I was so excited to fall in love with Michael, not only because he was the single best guy I had ever met, but because then I had a chance to become part of the Jacobs family, officially!  My mother-in-law and father-in-law are incredible, and I just love speaking with them and spending time with them.  Mike's brothers and sisters are equally amazing, and I miss them when I don't seem them. 

What a warm, inviting, funny, quirky, great family.  I feel so lucky to have them as my in-laws.  I feel so lucky to have them as Drew and Em's grandparents and aunts and uncles.  Visiting Salem is tough, because I want to stay with and visit both families all the time and that just isn't feasible.  (Something about not being able to be two places at the same time. Sheesh, stupid laws of physics.)

I love them, and so today, I am so very grateful to be a Jacobs.

November 5, 2011


  Today I am grateful for siblings. I'm grateful that Emily and Andrew have each other.  Andrew has even (gasp!) started to acknowledge her existence.  Emily thinks Andrew is absolutely the most interesting thing in the house.  Here they are looking in a little mirro on a toy together.  I love those two.
 I have 5 awesome ones myself, as well as 6 sibling-in-laws who are so dear to me as well.  I think brothers and sisters have a bond that is incomparable.  No one else can quite understand why you're crying about your dog Lady dying when she died 11+ years ago.  No one else can quite understand why you watch Pee-Wee's Christmas Special every year.  Or why you reference bug sandwiches, bye-baders, the "blacktop", or the hills being alive...and hungry.  They are your fiercest supporters, your closest friends, and the ones who just might understand you the most.

I don't come from a family that expresses their feelings often, but I'm trying to raise a family that does, so here we go.

Michael - big brother, in every sense of the word.  I love that guy.  He is a fantastic actor, loads of fun, and gives great hugs.  Michael has a smile that can light up a room, and a sense of humor and love of family to match it.  I love my big brother so much!  He's the kind of person where the more you know him, the more you love him.
Laura - caring, loving, compassionate, funny, and amazing.  I still remember her doing my hair and thinking she was about the most talented person on the planet.  Laura is an incredible person, and someone I wish I lived closer to so I could see her more.  Andrew and Emily don't know what they're missing, because Laura might just be the best aunt imaginable.
Amy - smart, talented, funny, personable, fun, and quick-witted.  Whatever she does, she does it well.  No, that's a lie.  Whatever she does, she does it perfectly.  But you won't find a more humble person than my big sister Amy.  Growing up, I idolized her, and she never let me down.  Even when I was a dorky young teen, she would invite me into her room just to hang out.  That meant a lot to me.  Truthfully I still idolize her, and she always seems to exceed my expectations.
Jeanette- caring, spiritually-minded, funny, devoted, and fun-loving.  We fought all growing up and ended up being best friends.  I don't know how often that happens, but I'm sure grateful it did.  Jeanette is voted (by me) most likely to be a friend to everyone.  To know her is to love her.  We've shared a lot of the same milestones at about the same time and it's been great to share with her.  Jeanette is amazing.
Aaron- devoted, devoted, devoted.  Aaron has always been devoted to his family.  He's fun to live with, and an awesome uncle.  He doesn't say much, but when he does, it's pretty much guaranteed to be hilarious.  Aaron is 100% brother, and I love him.

I am so thankful for brothers and sisters!

November 4, 2011


Today I am grateful for Clorox wipes.  Andrew had a gross cold for about 2 weeks that he has finally gotten rid of.  When he was playing with his toys today, I realized I hadn't sanitized them since he was sick.  Sooo out came the Clorox wipes. 

Okay, so I'm not so much grateful for the wipes as I am that I get to be the one to sanitize my little boy's toys.  It was tedious (so many Mr. Potato Head pieces...) but I was grateful that I can be the one to serve my kid in such a simple way.  I don't know if that makes sense, but I'm grateful for it.

November 3, 2011

Three's a Charm

My goal for November is to blog about one thing I"m thankful for every day. Some of you smart-guys will probably notice that it's November 3rd. I may be a little late, but it's perfect to start out with my three favorite people.
2 1/2. Busy. Snuggly. Sweet. Funny. Active. My favorite little guy.
I love everything about this little guy. From the way he runs (or hops) everywhere he goes to the way he talks (Emily=Willy, Coconut=Coco-ut, Andrew=Andews) to the way he snuggles with us at night. I love my little buddy, and can truly say that he is one of the best people I know. (No, I'm not biased.) I am so very thankful for Andrew.
4 1/2 months.  Happy.  Sweet.  Has a super glare.  Joyful.  Snuggly.
Emily is such a super sweet little gal.  We haven't known her long, but from the moment she entered our lives, she has become such an important part of the family, and of my life.  I am so very thankful for Emily.

31.  Sweet.  Happy.  Hard-working.  Funny.  Always improving.  Amazing husband.  Best friend.  Best dad.  Handsome.  Kind.  Wonderful.  Smart.
Mike is without a doubt my favorite guy.  I love him, and can't imagine my life without him.  I love him so much.  I am so very thankful for Michael.