May 29, 2010

Almost One

I can't believe my baby will be one so soon! We only have 4 more days! That little guy is quickly becoming a toddler. Man we love that little guy.

May 22, 2010

We Love Our Little Family

Watching for Daddy

Watching Blues Clues for the first time with Mommy and Daddy when he was sick with an ear infection.

"Riding" Daddy's bike

Daddy's finally home!!!!!!!!
We love our little family!!!!! (And Mike and I really do love each other, we just don't have any pictures together apparently) :)

May 8, 2010


Andrew and I went with his aunts and an uncle to the zoo today while Michael was studying. He thought the penguins were pretty cool, even though he didn't show much emotion when the camera was on him.

When we went to the chimps, he walked up to one and said, "Dada!" I don't really think that was a compliment. Especially when he did the same thing when he saw the 400 pound orangutan. Ouch.

I don't quite see the resemblance.

Here he is outside the Science Center on a dinosaur. At the zoo, his favorite things to explore were trashcans, the ground, and other kids. Little Explorer....

Oh!!!!!!! And two more finals and I'll be married to a 2L! Woohoo! Slow and steady wins the race!